Monday, March 12, 2012

Sexy Monday?

Victoria's Secret Lingerie       Victoria’s Secret Collection     Victoria's Secret Bras

Ok…Let’s meet Sexy Monday…I don’t think I’ve seen any blogs who touch on Ladies Lingerie…so I thought I would. My inspiration comes from within for this post…
I want to be a photographer…A Boudoir Photographer…I love the female body and after having my pictures done last summer I HIGHLY recommend every Woman get their photos taken. Why? For starters, why not? It was and is empowering to do something so personal for You. Taking the time to Glam yourself up and wear something sexy…pretty…or whatever fits the mood. After getting my pictures done and seeing the end results, I was like “Wow” I can look like that? Preparing helped me to take care of myself and put my best foot forward to be so vulnerable in front of a camera….I worked out religiously. Mindful to eat healthier. Drink lots of water. Knowing what was involved getting my pictures done, made Me take care of Me. I knew that 35 would be a mile marker, so-to-speak, and wanted to capture that time in my life…and later look back and be Proud!
Here are a few pieces from Victoria's Secret I'm loving...

(One of my Favorite VS Models)

Loving this! Would wear this for my next shoot...

Very Pretty...Great Selection...

 Funny how we re-act in our "delicates" but put us on a beach in a one or two piece, no problem! I want to remind you to Love You some You. Love who You are and where You matter your shape or size...flaws and all.

Be Good to You.


  1. I love the VS models. Secretly I always aspired to be a VS Angel but I love my food too much. When I'm not pregnant, I'm a size 3 but can never motivate myself enough to work out and tone post college. I may have to get back on the sexy train when I pop in June. lol

    Vonae Deyshawn

  2. You make me giggle...You are beyond beauty and could see the inner "Diva" to be an Angel ;)
    I've worked out for as long as I can remember. I too LOVE to eat and am pretty good at it! My first born was a June baby...I can't wait to see and hear all about your Baby journey, oh Motherhood...A blessing and the toughest job you'll ever have...Always good to see you...


  3. I watch the VS fashions shows on tv in awe! I, like Vonae, kind of always wanted (and secretly still do) to be a VS angel! I just want a pair of wings and to walk the runway once and I'd be happy lol.

    XO Kelley

    1. If I ever need some motivation I know where to go...VS! I too would love to walk the runway...unfortunately for me...I'm TOO short.
      Good to see you...



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