Monday, June 25, 2012

Letting Go...

I've been slacking on my Sunday Personal posts...mainly due to time and inspiration to write. I thought today I would share about being a Mother...
For those of you who are, who are not, are new, or thinking about being a Mother...This post shares..."If I knew then"

I am a young Mother. I have two kids. One boy. One Girl. Both grown. Son, 19, Daughter, soon to be 18, as she reminds me..

Oh the days of diapering...changing, dressing, washing...The days of teaching, growing, loving...or loving, teaching, growing...As babies they depend on You as if you are their very breath, and You toddlers, they depend on our security to keep them safe. As they grow, they listen, they watch, they learn. Life is simplified...the joys of being a kid. Friends, hopscotch, bike's in the park...Then comes "Rebellion" TEENAGERS! Who knew? I've always said that...everything taught at home, can be easily undone by the influence of their friends...because as Mother's, what do we know anyway? We know love, teaching, growing and letting them make mistakes...Just as do we.

All these years being a Mother...I never knew heartache...The heartache of letting go. I'm not afraid to admit, and totally guilty of being a "Helicopter Mom" I'm a "swooper" I'm a "Pitcher" and a "Catcher" in the game of Motherhood. I wasn't prepared for letting go...My son moved out in January of this year...And daughter is set to move out in a few months.

I miss him everyday...I'll miss her everyday...letting go is the hardest part.
I pause...I get up because my phone just chimed that I got a's from my son...He tells me to have a good day and he loves me...Ahh...the joys of being a Mother...and letting go.

Even though I struggle...with letting's these moments that remind me...It was worth every painstaking moment...No one ever told me the hardest part was letting go...

One Piece at a Time...One breath at a time...Nuturing, loving, growing...and it's me I'm talking about...A Mother.

Be Good to You.

1 comment:

  1. Your kids are so blessed to have such a loving, caring and wonderful Mom like you. They will always need you. For a time they will want to do their own thing and become their own person, but you will always be the person they will turn to. Trust me... I hear what you're saying about letting go. With my 14 soon to be 15 year old step son, whom I love as if he were my own, I'm starting to experience some of this. The pains of teenagehood. We are learning and trying to let go of certain things as well. It's pretty hard. I do know that it so important to just be there. That's the amazing gift you've given to your kids Lola. Your love, they can count and depend on that. No matter where they go or what they choose to do, they know they can depend on that. :)


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